IT News, Alerts and Blog

IT News, Alerts and Blogs

All recent news articles, alerts and blog posts. You can see all the latest posts across all categories here.


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Current events and issues affecting London based companies. We select IT news stories from the wide world of IT and distill those affecting our clients


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A collection of our thoughts and miscellania which will hopefully be of help and interest. You'll find everything from helpful informational articles to opinion pieces on issues affecting the London based SME.


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Cloud services, local Broadband, Internet Service Provider and local exchange/BT status updates and alerts as well as related news items. As soon as we are aware of service outages or items affecting our clients we'll provide reports and updates as and when they are available.


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Current and important security information, including timely alerts and advice on prevailing threats and general good counsel on organisational IT security.


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Information and advice surrounding the newly introduced General Data Protection Regulations, the successor to the current UK Data Protection acts.