

General Tips and Tricks to help improve your IT literacy and ultimately increase productivity in the workplace.


Microsoft Word Magnify

In this article we are going to cover some basic ways to improve the overall presentation and professionalism of your Microsoft Office Word document with page breaks, headers & footers, and page numbers. The following features can also be used on the online version Microsoft Word.

Excel logo

Excel has a diverse range of features that can be utilised to make working more efficient and simple. For example, for every task there is a keyboard shortcut made to speed up production; some of these are shown below. Also included are a few other features worth knowing about in Part 2 of Microsoft Excel - Top Tips.

Powerpoint logo

Although simple on the surface – Microsoft PowerPoint can be a highly useful and productive tool for you and your business. It is still the most common piece of presentation software used around the world and therefore is worth knowing a few little tips and tricks to give you that edge in your presentations.

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